In Python, a dictionary is a built-in data type that allows you to store collections of key-value pairs. Each key in a dictionary is unique, and it maps to a corresponding value. Dictionaries are incredibly versatile and are often used to represent data structures like maps, tables, or simple databases.
My Python codes:
Creating a Dictionary
my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}
Accessing Dictionary Elements
You can access values in a dictionary using their keys:
name = my_dict['name'] # Access the value associated with the key 'name' ('Alice')
age = my_dict['age'] # Access the value associated with the key 'age' (30)
Modifying and Adding to a Dictionary
Dictionaries are mutable, so you can change their contents:
my_dict['age'] = 31 # Modify the 'age' value to 31
my_dict['gender'] = 'Female' # Add a new key-value pair
Removing Items from a Dictionary
You can remove a key-value pair from a dictionary using the del
statement or the pop()
del my_dict['city'] # Remove the 'city' key-value pair
my_dict.pop('age') # Remove the 'age' key-value pair and return its value
In Python, dictionaries are powerful data structures for organizing and managing collections of key-value pairs. They provide flexibility, efficiency, and easy access to data. Dictionaries are commonly used for tasks like configuration settings, data processing, and representing complex relationships between entities. By understanding how to create, access, modify, and work with dictionaries, you can handle a wide range of data-related tasks in Python.