Day9 # Working With Nano Text Editor: A Beginner's Guide

Day9 # Working With Nano Text Editor: A Beginner's Guide


Text editors are essential tools for anyone working in a Linux or Unix environment. While there are many text editors available, Nano stands out as a beginner-friendly, command-line-based text editor. In this guide, we'll explore how to use Nano effectively, from opening and editing files to saving and quitting the editor.

Getting Started

To open Nano, simply open your terminal and type:

nano file1.txt

This will open Nano with an empty buffer, ready for you to start typing or editing text.

Editing Files With Nano in Linux [With Cheat Sheet]

1. ctrl + G

This shortcut key is used to display the help menu.

2. ctrl + o

This shortcut key is used to save the current file to disk.

3. ctrl + x

This shortcut key is used to exit from the nano editor.

4. ctrl + w

This shortcut key is used to search for a specific string in the text.

5. ctrl + k

This shortcut key is used to cut the current line or marked text.

6. ctrl + u

This shortcut key is used to past the last cut text.

7. ctrl + A

This shortcut key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

8. ctrl + e

This shortcut key is used to move the cursor to the end of the current line.

9. ctrl + y

This shortcut key is used to scroll up one screen.

10. ctrl +v

This shortcut key is used to scroll down one screen.

11. ctrl + c

This shortcut key is used to show the current position of the cursor.

12. Alt + a

This shortcut key is used to mark the text from the cursor position to the beginning of the line.

13. ctrl + ]

This shortcut key is used to indent the current line.

14. ctrl + p

This shortcut key is used to move to the previous line.

15. Ctrl + n

This shortcut key is used to move to the next line.

16. ctrl + f

This shortcut key is used to move forward one character.

17. ctrl + b

This shortcut key is used to move backwards one character.

18. Ctrl + l

This shortcut key is used to refresh the screen.

19. alt + G

This shortcut key is used to go to the line and column number.

20. ctrl + m

This shortcut key is used to insert a new line at the cursor position.

21. ctrl + d

This shortcut key is used to delete the character under the cursor.

22. ctrl + h

This shortcut key is used to delete the character before the cursor position.

23. ctrl + s

This shortcut key is used to save the current file.


Nano is a lightweight and user-friendly text editor that simplifies text editing in the command line. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Linux user, Nano's straightforward interface and essential features make it a valuable tool for quick text editing and configuration tasks. With practice, you'll become proficient at using Nano for a wide range of text editing needs in your Linux or Unix environment.